Alejandro Serena Llinares (1975, Alzira, Spain) teacher and coordinator
Alejandro was lucky to grow up in a rich musical and cultural environment. Inspiring teachers and many opportunities for music playing and learning at a music school, stand at the basis for his love for music.
He studied piano at the Conservatorio in Valencia with pianist and composer F. Castellano. On the advice of chief conductor and mentor Miquel Rodrigo i Tamarit, he arrived at Conservatorium Maastricht in 1993,
where he studied under the guidance of Tonie Ehlen.
He has taught Piano Methodology, Ear Training and Piano Accompaniment in the Classical Music department of Conservatorium Maastricht since 2006. Since 2009 he has been involved in European projects like Grundvit or MMM (Music Mentoring Matters!) in collaboration with various conservatories in Spain, Germany and the Netherlands. In these projects the main goal is teaching and mentoring young students to become musicians.
In 2010 Alejandro successfully introduced the curriculum of the Jong Talentenklas together with Rik Bastiaens. Since then they teach, coach, develop and coordinate everything around the musical needs of the young students. Alejandro is currently working together with Tonie Ehlen.
Rik Bastiaens (1975, Bilzen, Belgium) Research coach Master / Research Coordinator / General theoretical subjects preparatory class
He studied Organ with Dorthy de Rooij and Theory of Music at Conservatorium Maastricht, continued his musical development by studying Composition and Conducting at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium.
As theory teacher of the Junior Conservatorium Maastricht he develops teaching methods using improvisation, group dynamics and theory in practice. These classes aim for a practical application of theory, geared to the specifi c needs of the instrument.
In the Master of Music programme, Rik Bastiaens works on the development of research in music, with the relationship between research, the main subject and the professional fi eld being the key element. In this process, new modes of documentation and publication are explored in which the sounding result is essential as a tool of communication.